Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hot Mess ... (Week 12)

"Someone or Something that is such a mess... the level of it, is off of the charts. It's past pathetic, past pitiful. It's to the point you almost have to walk away to keep from bustin a gut."

Yeah, folks that just about describes me right now. The last couple weeks seem to get worse and worse as the days go by. It started one day when I woke up and my back was out. I'd been limping around and in such pain. It hurt to sit, it hurt to stand, and walk. It's an old injury that just decided to raise it's nasty head and laugh at me.

Just as I started to feel a little better, my poor Ainsley got a nasty cold/allergy which makes her cough a lot at night. She was up at one point 3-4 times a night coughing so bad that she would gag and gasp for air. It was so freaky that I wasn't getting sleep at all worried I wouldn't hear her.

So my messiness went to another level of just sheer exhaustion. I had a couple days where I was sprawled out on the couch and Ainsley watched hours and hours of "Sesame Street" and "Word World" feeding off of crackers, cheese, apples, and fruit snacks. Then over the last couple days I felt like I was getting better - Ainsley's only been up a couple times a night and I've figured out she's not going to die of asphyxiation. Then I go and burn my hand - TWICE in one night. Never trust a pregnant woman with searing and baking steaks. We had company and I was using a cast iron pan searing steaks and then putting them into a 425 degree oven to finish. One time I actually started to pick up the pan by the super hot handle - duh!! Then I just laid the back of my hand against the side of the pan. I actually saw the oils of my hand sizzle on the pan.

Then today I topped it off with tearing my right pinky toenail off my foot. Blood everywhere - not much pain at first but within an hour I was hobbling around. So now I look like an old lady walking around. I have to say I feel really attractive these days. A hot mess.